It’s easy to think that once a prospect shows interest in your club means they’re ready to get on board, but remember people test the waters for many different reasons, especially for something like a gym membership, that is considered a luxury expense.
With that being said, there are different stages of prospects, anywhere from the first initial interest to pen in hand, ready to sign. In between those stages, it’s your job to lock them in. Here are some methods to turn your prospects into members.
This is probably the most obvious and common strategy for turning prospects into members, which means it is one of the most important ones for making a prospect actually feel like a member.
Offer two-week free trials to all prospects for all areas of your club, like classes, spa services and pool access. Create a profile for them in My Member Account Mobile App so they can easily sign up for events and quickly check into your facility.
Another effective strategy is to offer two-week money-back guarantees. This way you’re still generating income while keeping the member at ease financially. Both methods give prospects the full experience and up your chances to seal the deal.
The key to successful sales is authenticity and technique, which means building true relationships with your customers and establishing trust. When hiring the right sales team, think about the perspectives of your prospects and what would win them over.
The answer in most cases comes down to human connection. Make sure your sales team masters strong pitches and that they don’t rely on automated CRM campaigns. Automation may seem more efficient, but it strips the human connection, which decreases sales in the long haul. In a nutshell, the prospect needs to see you and your staff as actual human beings to not only close the deal, but to become loyal members and boost your retention.
Understanding your potential members and hiring the right sales team are like yin and yang, since they are the first interactions prospects have with your club aside from your front desk staff. Plus, the one who makes the membership sale is the one who gets to know the prospect the most, which is why it’s imperative to learn about their fitness goals and desire for a gym membership. Ask your prospects questions like what brought them in and what is motivating them to join a gym.
People get memberships for many reasons, whether that’s to lose weight, improve endurance, relax or alleviate back pain, and chances are, they will give you clear-cut answers that will cue your sales team to not only establish stronger relationships with them, but to also upsell services like personal training, spa perks, nutrition coaching and group classes–valuable club assets that your prospects maybe didn’t realize they needed or wanted in the first place.
At this point in the process, you’ve already gotten to know your prospects, now it’s time to put your club in the spotlight. With facility tours, your staff can get to know prospects even more while making them feel like members.
Remember that each area of your club serves a purpose and holds value, therefore it’s important to highlight its features and perks during tours, increasing your chances to upsell. Avoid simply pointing at equipment and areas. Learn your prospects’ initiatives and initial interests in wanting a gym membership, then sell the value in a way that is specific to them and their fitness goals.
At this point, you’ve gotten to know them, and they’ve seen your facility. Now it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty: membership pricing and packaging. As easy as it is to assume members are turned off by pricing, it’s actually a prime opportunity to lock in their loyalty.
Not only do members appreciate transparency about what they’re paying for, but they deserve it. Rather than making the common mistake of tip-toeing around your pricing, present everything as-is, explain the value of each package deal and make sure they understand your terms and conditions. Think of it like this: the more honest you are with them, the more they trust you, and the longer they will last as your member. Always remember that your business is valuable, so in pricing pitches, build the value of your services that is equal to or greater than your price.
Social media is one of the most commonly used tools among members. They are constantly taking gym selfies, sharing transformation photos and stories with their fitness communities. Social media, however, is also the most misused for gyms and fitness clubs when it comes to finalizing a membership sale.
At this point, you’ve gone through the entire prospect process, so you may have already signed them on, but if they are still on the fence, interact with them on platforms like Facebook and Instagram by liking and commenting on their posts. If they have already signed on with your club, ask their permission to send them emails about updates on your club’s social media to increase member engagement and retention.
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