Whether you have a goal in mind and you’re trying to adapt to a new routine or you hit the gym regularly, everyone experiences workout laziness. For some it’s more challenging to fight off than others, and it’s not something that truly ever goes away. Fortunately, there are many things you can do to fight it off every time. Here’s how.
Whether or not that’s an actual pre-workout shake, fuel your body with energy-boosters like natural simple carbs or a cup of coffee for a quick pick-me-up. Try eating a Greek yogurt or some fresh fruit 30 minutes prior to your workout for the most energy. Avoid unnatural simple carbs like candy and soda, as those tend to make you crash and bloat.
It’s that feeling when you’re laying down telling yourself you need to work out, but you just spend an hour staring at your closet. As difficult as it may seem, you can do it. If you have enough energy to get up and walk to your refrigerator or go to the bathroom, you have enough energy to put on your workout clothes. Even if you put them on and you still sit right back down and stare blankly into space, you’re one step closer, but you’ll most likely be able to convince yourself that it’s time to hit the gym once you’ve actually put on the clothes.
Announce it to the world if you have to. Telling others prevents you from making excuses and ultimately holds you accountable because let’s face it–once you’ve told someone you’re going, you’ll look even lazier if you change your mind.
This is another effective way to not only keep yourself in check, but you’ll have a higher chance of challenging yourself more and actually enjoying your workout if you’re doing it with someone.
Your body not only needs variation, but your brain does too because doing the same workout all the time is boring, and workout laziness is caused by a tired mentality. If something is not even remotely interesting, you won’t want to do it, or worse–you might even dread doing it, especially when it comes to physical activity. Try doing a completely different workout. Whether that’s yoga, a Zumba class, or simply doing 10 jumping jacks in between weight lifting, just get moving in a way that works best for you.
Getting to the gym was half the battle, and for some people, jumping right into things is how they get energized, but if you’re still feeling unmotivated, start small by working in sets of five. Walk for five minutes on a treadmill, then do a small dose of cardio for five minutes on a stationary bike, then do five crunches. If that’s all you have in you, that’s better than not doing anything at all. Just avoid intense activities like sprinting and over-doing it on weight lifting because those will drain you faster when you’re feeling sluggish. It probably won’t be your best workout, but you challenged yourself, got through it and that’s what counts.
Laziness and comfort foods usually go hand in hand, and when we feel lazy, we tend to over-indulge, which is almost always followed by guilt. It’s especially frustrating when you are on a fitness journey and have certain goals to achieve, but instead of beating yourself up for splurging and not exercising, allow yourself to enjoy a small treat after your workout–that way it feels like you deserve it and no unnecessary guilt is involved. After pushing yourself through a tough workout, it’s nice to have a little something to look forward to. Just remember not to reward yourself with guilty pleasures every time you work out because you’ll set yourself back, feel frustrated and wonder why you’re not seeing results. Sometimes during moments of laziness, remind yourself that the ultimate incentive is the body you’re working for. Think of the rock-hard abs you’ve always wanted and accept that you will have to challenge yourself and enjoy your favorite foods in moderation in order to get them.
You’re most likely already on your phone, laying down thinking that you should get up and workout, so while you’re scrolling through funny cat videos, search different fitness Instagram pages or inspirational quotes that alter your mentality and motivate you to move. Make sure to follow these social media pages so that you can refer to them the next time you’re feeling lazy, because yes, there will be a next time and that’s normal.
Do you remember the last time you felt amazing after a workout? You may not remember a specific instance, but endorphins are definitely your friends. After successful workouts, write down how you feel. Take notes about what type of exercise you did, how long it took you, what you were wearing, how you felt about yourself in that moment and any other details that might benefit you. Not only will this help motivate you when you’re not feeling up to par, but it will also remind you of why you started your fitness journey in the first place.
Whatever music speaks to you, put it on repeat because it will distract you from your laziness and help you focus on your workout. Listening to songs with beats and melodies that match the activity you’re doing usually make for more successful workouts because you’re likely to do more for longer amounts of time without even thinking about it. So, turn up the volume and get moving.